8 Hacks to Beat the Cheat Meal

Do you know that occasionally tumbling off your nutritional wagon has psychological benefits? A blast of high-carb food can increase your metabolism and replace the depleted glycogen stores in your body. 

Plainly speaking, cheat meals can play a vital role in helping you meet your fitness goals, provided you don't overdo it. Thus, if you were wondering, "Is it okay to have a cheat meal?" then you will be happy to know that the answer is an absolute yes! 

Another good news is that you can now ensure that your cheat meals work for and not against your health goals. This article aims to discuss 8 awesome cheat meal ideas to indulge in without feeling guilty. Hence, dive right in!

Psychology Behind Cheat Meals: Cravings and Guilt

Let's begin by trying to answer the question, "What is a cheat meal?" Well, cheat meals are scheduled meals. However, these meals include indulgent foods that you are permitted to eat otherwise. 

A deep understanding of the psychology behind cheat meals, cravings, and guilt can enable you to make informed choices about how and when to indulge in cheat meals while managing your emotional responses to maintain a healthy relationship with food. Listed below are 5 points that will help you gain a deep understanding of the psychology behind cheat meals and the relationship between cravings and guilt. 

1. Psychological Satisfaction

Cheat meals are essential to satiate psychological cravings for your indulgent foods. These foods, often associated with positive emotions and memories, provide you with a sense of pleasure and comfort. 

2. Cravings and Reward Pathways

Cravings for the foods you love activate reward pathways in your brain. When you indulge in your comfort food, your brain releases feel-good hormones such as dopamine. Cheat meals can help satiate these cravings, providing you with a sense of satisfaction and reward. 

3. Moderation and Control

Incorporating cheat meals into your diet plan can promote a sense of healthy control over food choices. This, in turn, lowers feelings of deprivation. 

4. Guilt and Emotional Eating

Indulging in cheat meals might make you feel guilty if you associate such indulgences with breaking dietary rules. This guilt leads to emotional eating patterns, creating a loop of overeating and negative emotions. 

5. Balancing Discipline and Indulgence With the Mindset of Cheat Days

Adopting the right mindset can make the most of your cheat days. You can think of your cheat meals as an essential part of your total health plan and make the most out of it by choosing healthy cheat meal options. 

Importance of Balance and Moderation in a Healthy Diet

A balanced diet is a cornerstone of overall well-being. It gives your body the essential nutrients and energy required to function optimally. Practicing moderation and balancing our dietary choices is vital for a health-promoting and sustainable nutritional strategy. The importance of balance and moderation in a healthy diet are as follows: 

1. Nutrient Optimization

Balancing different food groups in moderation ensures you receive various nutrients, like minerals, vitamins, and fiber, essential for your body's functioning and overall health. 

2. Weight Management

Sticking to a balanced and moderate diet can help in weight management. This is because it will prevent excessive calorie intake by promoting healthier eating habits over extreme restrictions or fad diets. 

3. Blood Sugar Regulation

A balanced diet consisting of moderate portion sizes can stabilize your blood sugar levels by reducing the chances of sudden spikes. 

4. Digestive Wellness

Eating a balanced diet can alleviate common issues like diarrhea and constipation and improve your gut health. 

5. Long-term Sustainability

Balanced and moderate eating is a lifestyle choice and not a short-term fix. It is more realistic and sustainable, allowing you to meet your health goals without feeling restricted or deprived. 

Hacks to Enjoy Cheat Meals Without Derailing Your Health and Fitness Goals

Cheat meals can be regarded as a brief "food vacation." These help you enjoy a hearty meal before returning to your restrictive diet without having to bear the prick of a guilty conscience. Below are the top 8 hacks you can follow to help you cheat and win your fitness journey. 

1. Prevent Impulsive Overeating While Planning Cheat Meal

A cheat meal is an opportunity to eat some food items not allowed on your diet. Thus, your cheat meal shouldn't turn into a full-blown binge eating. You must remind yourself that it is a cheat meal, not a cheat day. So, you should not go overboard by gorging on a lot of junk food and extra calories throughout the day. 

2. Portion Control

Portion control is an effective way of enjoying cheat meals without derailing your fitness goals. You must order only a half-portion of your favorite food. Ordering appetizer-size portions of the food you love is enough to satisfy your craving without blowing your diet. 

3. Choose Smart Cheat Foods

Picking a meal with some nutritional value compared to something with empty calories is a smart choice. Fries, a cheeseburger, and a beer are better than Slurpee and Ding-Dongs. You should take advantage of fat, proteins, and carbs, even if they are high in calories, as opposed to artificially flavored and processed foods. 

4. Pre-Cheat Meal and Post-Cheat Meal Workouts

Engage in pre- and post-cheat meal workouts to help you burn a portion of the extra calories you consumed during your cheat meal. Engaging in physical activity will help you balance the extra calorie intake and reinforce your commitment to your health and fitness goals. 

5. Hydration and Fiber

Drinking plenty of water between your cheat meals will help you digest the nutrients in your cheat foods, slow your feeding frenzy, and sate your hunger quickly. Adding protein-rich foods such as meat, cheese, tuna, and lettuce to your cheat meals can be a great way to make indulgent, healthy cheat meals that will not mess with your fitness goals.

6. Moderation During Cheat Meals

Moderation during cheat meals is necessary to balance enjoying the foods you love and sticking to a healthy diet plan. By limiting the frequency of your cheat meals, making mindful food choices, and practicing portion control, you can satiate your cravings without completely derailing your overall nutritional goals. 

7. Post-Cheat Meal Recovery

You are entitled to a cheat meal but not to a cheat week. So, enjoy your cheat meals, but resume your healthy diet plan as soon as possible. Eating enough protein and veggies, drinking lots of water, and adding a few extra sets to your usual weight-training routine can help you compensate. Also, you must purge your fridge of the leftovers from your cheat meal to keep temptation at bay. 

8. Will Power

Now and then, your willpower needs to be replenished, too. Giving in to indulgent foods during cheat meals doesn't make you weak. Rather, it makes you stronger. This is because you know that you earned this opportunity. So, cheat, but make sure to do it intentionally and intelligently.


Cheat meals offer a psychological reprieve from restrictive diets. The most pertinent question is, "How often can I have a cheat meal?" The answer is that you must strictly limit your cheat meal frequency to 2-3 times a month. 

If you might be a bodybuilder or aiming for weight loss, you can search for "best cheat meal for bodybuilders" or "cheat meal for weight loss" and plan your cheat days accordingly. You can implement the above hacks to cheat your way to a healthier and happier you!