Top 10 Protein Foods That Are Delicious & Must Eat

Ever wondered what you’ll eat on that road trip that doesn't put your clean eating efforts on the backburner? Frequently worried that the caramel popcorn served during movies can make you go on a binge-spree? Are the thoughts of delicious, high-calorie snacks making you feel sick already?

Well, gone are those days of all this constant worry! Because now there’s power snacking that’s healthy, handy and absolutely delicious.

Here, give a quick read to our list of 10 super tasty and surprisingly convenient protein power snacks that boost your active lifestyle and keep you full for longer.

Top 10 Protein Foods

  1. A thick and creamy Greek Yogurt

Ever picked up a pack of Greek Yogurt that’s thick, creamy and tasty? What if we told you, it is also high in protein? Sounds like a cherry on the cake, right?

One serving of Greek yogurt provides you with 3 grams of protein. It’s always better to opt for the non-flavoured variety so you can skip on the added sugar and preservatives. Instead, add fresh cut fruits to get fiber content and a sweet taste.

  1. Eggs

Eggs are definitely a no-brainer. Boil it, stir it up with masalas and you have a handy snack that gets ready in a jiffy. Whether you eat it scrambled or as an omelette, egg in any form is sure to be your ultimate protein saviour!

  1. Nuts and seeds

When you feel you’re about to reach out for something unhealthy, quickly grab a handful of almonds, walnuts and raisins. Not only are they healthy but are also absolutely tasty and crunchy. If you wish to make them tastier, then toast them till crisp or dip it in no-sugar dark chocolate, then you’ve a perfect protein-rich snack to eat on the go.  

  1. Spiced Chickpeas/Beans/Sprouts

Why leave our very own high fiber and high protein beans behind? Boiled and spiced chickpea mix can make anyone fall in love with power snacking. Eat it with crackers or whole grain bread and make it into a complete protein mid-day snack.

  1. RiteBite Max Protein Power Snacks

Packed with the goodness of 20 grams of protein, RiteBite Max bars are just the power snack you should reach out for to shush those sudden hunger pangs. From orange and coffee to chocolate and berries, every variant is customised to meet your palate.

  1. Peanut butter and accompaniments

If protein was always disguised as peanut butter, then the world would never be deficient again. Make your own peanut butter at home and let go of all food items that are sugary, loaded with preservatives and contain trans fat. Even better, you can carry a small pack of high protein peanut butter which can be eaten with just about anything - from toasted breads and chapatis to carrots and veggie sticks.

  1. Dates and peanut laddoos

How about making your own healthy high protein laddoos at home? Swap sugar or jaggery for a healthier mix - dates, toasted chopped nuts, coconut shavings and whey powder. This makes for a great high-protein tasty snack between breaks.

  1. Roasted peanuts

Have you ever given that friendly singhdhana wala a second glance? Well, time to do so because these roasted peanuts make for a cheap and easily available snack. Loaded with good fats and protein, roasted peanuts paired with a glass of buttermilk can always save the day.

  1. Pumpkin seeds

Who would have thought that the sticky seeds we throw out is actually rich in protein? Grab a handful of these roasted delicacy from any shop and munch!

  1. Finally, Chia seeds

Also called Tulsibeej, this seed not only gives you protein but also essential omega-3 and fat. Just soak them overnight in milk and enjoy it as a pudding. Even better, you can simply sprinkle them on any snack and instantly make it a protein-rich one!

Now that you’re armed with this information, you can enjoy a protein power snack at your leisure!