7 point strategy to up your health game during lockdown.
A virus here, a virus there, here virus there virus, everywhere virus – even Old MacDonald might be singing this now. An if being at home and working from home is making you feel like an old man – pot belly, joint ache, back pain – then you know you need to up your health and fitness game!
What makes the entire situation weird is the duality of it. On one side, being locked down at home and coping with this bizarre situation is tough and secondly, with a virus raging outside, now is the time for being healthy bodily and mentally to fight it out!
We know and understand this situation and hence have come up with a simple 7 point strategy to ensure that you are in your healthy best even during lockdown. Read up!
Drink enough water
More like sip some throughout the day. Many a times, hunger is nothing but thirst in disguise. When you don’t drink enough water, the body gets a mixed signal confusing it for hunger. So instead of drinking water, you are eating. If you drink enough water, your untimely cravings can also vanish. Try it out! Some recommend 4-5 Ltrs water a day, also helps keep the doctors and virus away!
No stressing, more planningFeeling guilty over your food choices and the menu is the last thing you must do. What you can do is plan for the week in advance. Is dinner time your grey area? Then cook something extra earlier and jazz it up. Your choice of snacks a trouble? Opt for healthier alternatives like Max Protein multigrain chips. They have ZERO white carbs, have the goodness of pulses, are high in protein and come in delicious variants!
Try a pack of the chips now.Get 30 minutes of physical activity
Notice we didn’t use the word exercise. We understand it could be pretty tough working from home. Work and personal times are blurred. But that doesn’t stop you from walking while taking a call, standing and working; doing household chores. They count as physical activity too. Get half an hour and you should be set!
How can talk about good health be complete without the mention of proteins? Looking to be in top shape in lockdown? Have protein. Want to fight off hunger for longer? Eat proteins. Want immunity? Eat protein. Read our blog here on how protein can help you with immunity as well. Start your day with a protein breakfast. Eggs, pulses, even traditional cereal-pulse combo like khichdi, idli, dhoklas are great. If low on time, you could always grab a delicious Max Protein or Rite Bite bars. They have whey and soy protein which keeps you full for longer.
Hot health tip: Best time to eat proteins: All throughout the day. Check out our blog to know whyBeware the snacks
If you have planned well, then snacks are not a ticking time bomb. But if you are bored of eating chana or nuts (they are excellent choices); then Max Protein bars can come to your rescue. They are enriched with dark chocolate which also kills your craving for unhealthy chocolate. Take your pick form the 10grams, 20 grams or 30 grams protein bars and you will be set.
The wrong time to fad dietHeard about keto or paleo diets? Thinking of trying out intermittent fasting? Well, steer clear of such ideas now during lockdown. Any kind of restriction can have a negative effect if not done under supervision of a nutritionist. For example; you feel demotivated and then you decide to be on a 16 hour intermittent fast; think of the horror that will follow. You are inconveniencing your mind and body together. As if the lockdown was not enough. Remember fad diets require a mix of 2 things to follow: good self-discipline and a consultation with a qualified dietician.
Hot health tip: Keep a stock of fruits and veggies. They can help you replenish on vitamins and mineralsDon’t forget the micronutrients
Micronutrients greatly influence our immunity and vigour levels. So it is a wise choice to include them from fruits, vegetables and nuts. Max Protein bars have got you covered in those aspects too. Fortified with 21 vitamins and nutrients, they are indeed a well-rounded meal/snack you can reach out to.
Being in the comforts of home is a blessing afforded to a few. How do you want to spend this time? Worrying about food and making bad choices? Or planning well and eating mindfully? The choice is yours.